i think everyone should do something they're uncomfortable with at least every month. thats why i'm trying to be more honest with people. thats not to say usually im a liar, but im fairly aware of people and i wont tell them the truth if it will hurt them or make them mad.
thats still not right
anyyyyway the point is that something ELSE i happen to be uncomfortable with is being away from my family for a long time. to counteract that...im in france. thats right, paris, france, europe. i have my camera so prepare for regular pictorial updates in the near future.
while you're waiting check out this blog. its another one of my friends, that seems to be a running trend, plugging my friends, but theyre just a very talented bunch!
anyway its back to work for me...more being in france. its a tough life but someone has to do it
Listening to: french radio show
tell you a secret? i love lady gaga
EDIT// at a later date. i can spell, french keyboards are a bitch. dont judge me.
its more 'stream of consciousness' than 'quality entries'. read on at your peril
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
i like exactly nothing today
I'm in one of those weird in between places. At times like these, the only thing I know that I can rely on to make me feel better is my ipod, fattening food and sleeping. Since I shouldn't have to advocate sleeping and fattening food NOT GOOD KIDDIES, the only vaguely healthy option is music. and my goodness it is wonderful.
last fm is basically my new god for discovering new music.
at a push, music map isn't too bad either. the most important part is talking to people! if you have similar taste to your friends, chances are you'll like their reccomendations.
last fm is basically my new god for discovering new music.
at a push, music map isn't too bad either. the most important part is talking to people! if you have similar taste to your friends, chances are you'll like their reccomendations.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Teenage Celebrities
I'm always interested in the rich and famous' "embarrassing" teenage photos, but judging by Courtney Cox-Arquette and Gwyneth Paltrow, they have nothing to be embarrassed about.
Courtney has really beautiful eyes which I never noticed before, and her hair is indeed somewhat akin to my own. She looks really sweet, I'm really jealous.
Oh my god though, Oh. My. God. she's a stunner. I had honestly never considered Gwyneth Paltrow that attractive but here; maybe it's the grainy photograph that gives it a cool rockstar vibe; but she looks incredible. Definitely "the girl most likely" to have everyone want to be her friend.
I just pray that one day when I'm rich and famous nobody will go looking for my high school photos. That could be awkward. I better start taking nice pictures...
Listening to: In Fact - Gregory and the Hawk
Courtney has really beautiful eyes which I never noticed before, and her hair is indeed somewhat akin to my own. She looks really sweet, I'm really jealous.
Oh my god though, Oh. My. God. she's a stunner. I had honestly never considered Gwyneth Paltrow that attractive but here; maybe it's the grainy photograph that gives it a cool rockstar vibe; but she looks incredible. Definitely "the girl most likely" to have everyone want to be her friend.
I just pray that one day when I'm rich and famous nobody will go looking for my high school photos. That could be awkward. I better start taking nice pictures...
Listening to: In Fact - Gregory and the Hawk
courtney cox,
gwyneth paltrow,
high school,
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
i love shopping :)
bought this:
I kinda can't believe I bought it. I don't do surf wear...ever.
ever ever.
Still, she's rather sweet.
In other news, my exams are rather soon. I should really get on that...
I hope you had a good Melbourne Cup Day! Or if you're not big on the gambling, enjoyed the day off!
Listening to: Running from Lions - All Time Low
Almost famous. $70 at rip curl.
I kinda can't believe I bought it. I don't do surf wear...ever.
ever ever.
Still, she's rather sweet.
In other news, my exams are rather soon. I should really get on that...
I hope you had a good Melbourne Cup Day! Or if you're not big on the gambling, enjoyed the day off!
Listening to: Running from Lions - All Time Low
Sunday, November 1, 2009
ex oh ex oh
I just spent an amazing weekend in Torquay discussing surfing. I say discussing because we actually failed in entering the sea. Louisa and I lay in the spa until we were wrinkly like little prunes and gasping for cool air instead of actually breathing in some cool air. You know...like...in the sea...(I'm still undecided whether using my friend's names is an invasion of privacy or not, for now I'll go with not.)
Now I'm home and gosh I want to watch skins. I'm not about to plug it to you because you should already know. If you don't I may have to kill you. No no I wanted to talk about Luke Pasqualino. Which look...might be vaguely related to skins. But my main point is the boy is fine.
If you're really lost I'll explain. Luke plays Freddie in Season 3(and 4!!) of skins...the cool stoner skater adorable boy that Effy is vaguely interested in.
Well I'm very interested so if he gets sick of chasing her....
There's a really beautiful scene in one episode where they swim toward each other and...ok stop talking...enough...brain stop working...just look and appreciate
One day he'll realise what he's missing from his life and we'll be wed.
Yeah sure. Fairly sure after you get to kiss Kaya Scodelario there's no going back.
I'm jealous. Of them both.
Listening to: Hospital Beds - Florence and the Machine
Now I'm home and gosh I want to watch skins. I'm not about to plug it to you because you should already know. If you don't I may have to kill you. No no I wanted to talk about Luke Pasqualino. Which look...might be vaguely related to skins. But my main point is the boy is fine.
If you're really lost I'll explain. Luke plays Freddie in Season 3(and 4!!) of skins...the cool stoner skater adorable boy that Effy is vaguely interested in.
Well I'm very interested so if he gets sick of chasing her....
There's a really beautiful scene in one episode where they swim toward each other and...ok stop talking...enough...brain stop working...just look and appreciate
One day he'll realise what he's missing from his life and we'll be wed.
Yeah sure. Fairly sure after you get to kiss Kaya Scodelario there's no going back.
I'm jealous. Of them both.
Listening to: Hospital Beds - Florence and the Machine
kaya scodelario,
luke pasqualino,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
inquisitive and thoughtful, she was the challenge he'd been waiting for
I love summer.
It's these days before the heat kicks in; when its ok to wear stupid flimsy dresses and shorts but also ok to wear jeans or skirts with pretty thick tights; when i can still go outside without fearing for my skin; when I fall in love with Melbourne again.
I don't think everyone really appreciates just how lucky Melburnians are to have the city we have. But I digress.
What I love about summer especially, is the communal nature of it. I mean think for a second; summer...barbecues, outdoor games, seeing friends, picnicking; these are all communal activities. And you know what else is a communal activity? Festivals!
Oh yes my lovelies, festival season is here again! And in Australia we sure have alot of choice.
Big Day Out is just around the corner( and much to my chagrin, very sold out) with Muse headlining this year...I can hardly contain myself. There are 4500 tickets still to be allocated by ballot though; panique pas!
And BDO will be followed( and preceded ) by the Laneway Festival, Meredith, Good Vibrations, Pyramid, and countless others( including a particular favourite of mine, Pushover).
Listening to: Knew it all along - Midtown
It's these days before the heat kicks in; when its ok to wear stupid flimsy dresses and shorts but also ok to wear jeans or skirts with pretty thick tights; when i can still go outside without fearing for my skin; when I fall in love with Melbourne again.
I don't think everyone really appreciates just how lucky Melburnians are to have the city we have. But I digress.
What I love about summer especially, is the communal nature of it. I mean think for a second; summer...barbecues, outdoor games, seeing friends, picnicking; these are all communal activities. And you know what else is a communal activity? Festivals!
Oh yes my lovelies, festival season is here again! And in Australia we sure have alot of choice.
Big Day Out is just around the corner( and much to my chagrin, very sold out) with Muse headlining this year...I can hardly contain myself. There are 4500 tickets still to be allocated by ballot though; panique pas!
And BDO will be followed( and preceded ) by the Laneway Festival, Meredith, Good Vibrations, Pyramid, and countless others( including a particular favourite of mine, Pushover).
Listening to: Knew it all along - Midtown
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Alice Burdeu is 8cm taller than me
What a bitch. Seriously, all I have to do is grow 8cm(and ok drop 2 dress sizes) and i'll basically be her.
Orrrrr...maybe not quite. We have vaguely similar hair colour/texture and I'm at least as white as her, and I'm Melburnian. But that in all honesty, that is truly where the similarities end.
What I would give to be somewhat akin to her though. She really is stunning; one of the most succesful Australian exports at this stage. If you don't know who she is( have you been living under a rock?) I'll forgive you and begin your education. Alice was the winner of Australia's version of Next Top Model in 2007 and has since gone on to be a huge success in Europe. While she was on the show, she was attacked for being underweight but thats beside the point. Ok so maybe she's not the best role model for health, but the girl can stand still and look pretty like she's asked to. Her height ranges throughout the internet, varying bizarely from 5'10" to 6'1", so maybe she's more than 8cm taller than me, I don't know.
Orrrrr...maybe not quite. We have vaguely similar hair colour/texture and I'm at least as white as her, and I'm Melburnian. But that in all honesty, that is truly where the similarities end.
What I would give to be somewhat akin to her though. She really is stunning; one of the most succesful Australian exports at this stage. If you don't know who she is( have you been living under a rock?) I'll forgive you and begin your education. Alice was the winner of Australia's version of Next Top Model in 2007 and has since gone on to be a huge success in Europe. While she was on the show, she was attacked for being underweight but thats beside the point. Ok so maybe she's not the best role model for health, but the girl can stand still and look pretty like she's asked to. Her height ranges throughout the internet, varying bizarely from 5'10" to 6'1", so maybe she's more than 8cm taller than me, I don't know.
I don't know what it is, but there is really something about her
Monday, October 19, 2009
Disposable Income, How Do I Love Thee?

I loooooooooove this dress ridiculous amounts. I'm quite the little sweater dress fiend, amusing purely because I'm yet to buy one of these little beauties. They're part of the subsection of fashion that oversized t-shirts as nighties and boyfriend jeans belong in; comfort clothing that looks amazing. This little darling will set you back $350 dollars and is 100% merino wool, so if you're on a bigger budget than me - knock yourself out.
Other pretty things, courtesy of frankie.com.au
Little Fluffy Clouds - Ben the Illustrator ( £40.00) @ http://wishyouwerehere.bigcartel.com
Listening to: A Perfect Sonnet - Bright Eyes
Sunday, October 18, 2009
(My) Sick Muse
Metric - Sick Muse. Check it out.
Once again, youtube and I are at odds. Some people just aren't meant to use technology and I am one of them. Or so the internet would have me believe.
if you want to watch the video that I sadly could not post, go here
Watch out, Cupid stuck me with a sickness
Pull your little arrows out and let me live my life
Can you say 'new obsession'?
this song is the reason I am about to fail my history exam because I can't concentrate.
metric have alot to answer for.
Listening to: (is it really necessary to answer this question? ^^see above^^)
Once again, youtube and I are at odds. Some people just aren't meant to use technology and I am one of them. Or so the internet would have me believe.
if you want to watch the video that I sadly could not post, go here
Watch out, Cupid stuck me with a sickness
Pull your little arrows out and let me live my life
Can you say 'new obsession'?
this song is the reason I am about to fail my history exam because I can't concentrate.
metric have alot to answer for.
Listening to: (is it really necessary to answer this question? ^^see above^^)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Love Like Fashion
this is my friend's blog.
Jade likes to combine fashion, photography and pretty sparkly things; like any girl - and she does it with such effortless style that I'm positively green with envy.
I may be a little biased, but its worth checking out in my opinion.
She's a regular font of information, I wish I knew where she gets her pictures/videos/pieces of literature. And she knows what she's talking about.
be a doll and become a follower of her, she deserves it.
Listening to: Part of that world - Disney's 'The Little Mermaid'
jade gilburt,
love like fashion,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
frenchy folky indie cute girly fun pop
...that is honestly the most precise definition I can find for Coeur de Pirate.
The solo project of Canadian BĂ©atrice Martin, the girl has only just turned 20 and she makes really, truly beautiful music. Her lyrics are bittersweet and tinged with heartache and puberty blues, but somehow Beatrice makes it seem a whimsical and sweet existance.

lastfm suggests that listeners of coeur de pirate might also like Olivia Ruiz, who is another chanteuse francaise I am especially fond of. Check it out.
Listening to: Comme des enfants - Coeur de Pirate

youtube's being a little bitch so i can't upload the actual video.
BĂ©atrice Martin,
coeur de pirate,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
**WARNING** spoiler contained within
I'll tell you a secret? I'm a huge nerd.
On occasion I sport some rather spiffy glasses, used to have braces, and I have been known to play the occasional game of chess. Reading is my lifes passion and ok! ok! you dragged it out of me, I go to an elite academic girl's school.
Harry Potter? Yeah I went there...but then, so did most of the world.
Tolkien? Huge fan.
I'm not so much of a Trekkie, but there's another show which has occupied my heart for many a year now.
Doctor Who is my passion. I honest to god love Doctor Who with a great passion. Thats why when I stumbled across this I could hardly contain myself. Yes there may have been girlish squealing involved, but I'm not ashamed. Its really an enjoyable song and background knowledge isn't essential, it is only enhanced by the fact that I'm a total Doctor Who groupie;
I'd be David Tennant's companion any day...and even the totally clueless could understand that.
In all honesty though, Chameleon Circuit are talented boys, and once you get past their nerdy past time (I mean, writing what is essentially musical fan fiction and vlogging isn't exactly cool...but in my opinion that's the best part, they never make any claims about being cool...on the contrary in some cases) they're fairly cute themselves. Feel free to appreciate, check them out on youtube, but I've already shotgunned Charlie, so hands off!
Listening to: An Awful Lot of Running - Chameleon Circuit
Friday, October 2, 2009
I almost forgot I have this thing

As Mr John Keating says in Dead Poets Society:
"Live deliberately...make every moment count"
Listening to: A Little Respect - Erasure (or Wheatus if you're a 90s kid like me)
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