Sunday, October 4, 2009

**WARNING** spoiler contained within

I'll tell you a secret? I'm a huge nerd.
On occasion I sport some rather spiffy glasses, used to have braces, and I have been known to play the occasional game of chess. Reading is my lifes passion and ok! ok! you dragged it out of me, I go to an elite academic girl's school.
Harry Potter? Yeah I went there...but then, so did most of the world.
Tolkien? Huge fan.
I'm not so much of a Trekkie, but there's another show which has occupied my heart for many a year now.

Doctor Who is my passion. I honest to god love Doctor Who with a great passion. Thats why when I stumbled across this I could hardly contain myself. Yes there may have been girlish squealing involved, but I'm not ashamed. Its really an enjoyable song and background knowledge isn't essential, it is only enhanced by the fact that I'm a total Doctor Who groupie;
I'd be David Tennant's companion any day...and even the totally clueless could understand that.
In all honesty though, Chameleon Circuit are talented boys, and once you get past their nerdy past time (I mean, writing what is essentially musical fan fiction and vlogging isn't exactly cool...but in my opinion that's the best part, they never make any claims about being cool...on the contrary in some cases) they're fairly cute themselves. Feel free to appreciate, check them out on youtube, but I've already shotgunned Charlie, so hands off!
Listening to: An Awful Lot of Running - Chameleon Circuit

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