Thursday, April 29, 2010

you put my head in such a flurry

i must apologise again for being absent. chorals is eating my life. its over tomorrow night, i don't know what i'll do then! maybe do homework? study?
either way i'm incredibly excited and unbelievably sad that this is coming to an end. i am going to miss the girls so much and i hope that they all, especially the ones who aren't in year 12, will still come and talk to me and such ( i know some of you read this!)

also, its my birthday soon! i'll be 18 and all the wonders of nightlife will be mine. to be honest i'm just too lazy to go about getting an ID any other way than  by right of age.

boring blog post is boring. sorry guys, i havent slept all week. maybe next time
in other news, its a month since Michelle passed away today. Weird.
Listening to: Panic - The Smiths

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ITT: girls i would kill to be

This is new Doctor Who companion Karen Gillan; who plays Amy Pond. Tall, Auburn, Pale....basically everything I aspire to be. Not to mention stunning. Oh my lord

New girl crush, for sure. She is so attractive that it makes me die a little inside when I see her.

I've said this before; at least once; so I won't rant about it again.
All I will say is, if I could be one of these girls - I could die happy today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

errrr little awkies

so i definitely fully melted down today at school. this is the hardest thing ever; i really underestimated how much losing Michelle would hurt me. but first time i've cried - maybe I can start losing the weight on my chest now. its the oddest feeling.
the weeked is looking exceedingly average.
  • a denim jacket/shirt like this

  • leather jacket. i am aware that reasonable imitations are available for $80 dollars  but i think paying full price will be worth it when it doesn't fall apart in a year.

  • doc marten boots

  • any cute/grungy boots.

                                                                  unf. i want to own you

I want to be you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

je t'adore

so fourth day of casual and i'm already bored. on a positive note my pants are amazing today. i might take a photo one day. unfortunatelement (franglais :) ) i have lost my ATM card so i'm to all intents and purposes totally broke at the moment.
it is either:
  • at nadia's
  • at my local coles
  • at nicoles
  • on public transport somewhere
  • in my room.
please be in my room!
splendour in the grass looks INCREDIBLE this year and i cannot go. Like totally legendary. The Strokes, The Pixies, Florence and the Machine, Hot name but a few.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. "emo is over, you can all go home now"

also MGMT have released a new album. I haven't actually listened to it but hopefully it should be good. ish. maybe. I don't think I particularly care either way, but if its INCREDIBUBBLE you shall all hear my rantings

You. Me. My pants. Now

This is all

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

this poem

i really like it. i think its pretty; and it captures the frustrated spirit of love well.

in the movies people freeze time when they kiss, they illuminate when their skin brushes lightly against one another, they lay beneath cool cotton sheets embalmed and cured with sweat and passion.

in the movies it only take ten minutes to fall in love.

in life people make a resemblance of a relationship out of strong infatuations, they endure hurt & pain to avoid being alone and fluctuant, they pledge their cages to their partners but the birds inside belong to someone else constantly.

in life it takes decades to retrieve thoroughly the concept of love.
was my wanky analysis pretentious enough?? ahaha but in all seriousness (definitely had the urge to say seriousity...thus i read too much 'angus thongs...') I really do like the poem. Its pretty.
Written by EricJasonGastelum, I found it thanks to his girlfriend who posts on a website I'm a member of.  So yay!
At the moment I'm really enjoying the pre-release free download I got of Young Heretic's new album. And by 'new' I mean 'debut'. EXCITEMENT TO THE MAX OMG
get on that; or if you want/have my details so I can email it to you I'm always happy to help. The only condition is whoever recieves it by download has to plug the album somewhere - you may have noticed it in my twitter. so cool.
Listening to: I Know I'm A Wolf - Young Heretics (aka best song ever in the world)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ignore this post unless you want your brain to fall out

so i met the love of my life today.
he's 10.

so awesome back to school yes and we're off to a flying start with a SAC already! i should be studying. urghhhh

not trying to make myself seem really pathetic; but i don't understand how my mind works at all. i can fall in and out of lust at the drop of a hat and its getting beyond ridiculous. i want something defined and proper....something that makes me feel like i might die.

yeah i'm cool

i'm out. homework beckons

EDIT/ just so we're clear; my falling-in-lust thing is totally unrelated to the 10 year old. he's cute, but i generally go for post-pubescent.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


sorry for the lack of updates this past week but

  1. i was away and omgabfiugbaogabneibginh ugn  i love train travel. we flew to darwin on monday morning, saw crocodiles, were  amazed by the force of the storms, ate lovely food and then got on the ghan which runs from darwin down through central australia to adelaide. it was super awesome fun oh my goodness; and hilarity ensued when we watched the very effeminate very camp 'hospitality manager' subtlely chasing the young hot blonde french chef around the train. trains are narrow, y'know? which means one way traffic. which MEANS some awkward collisions occurred where hot french man mumbled 'excuse-moi' and kept walking while hospitality manager called after him.
    there were alot of old people - apparently its a retirement type trip. who would have known? not my parents obviously!
  2. and this is the most important reason and the part where i stop being witty and amusing (yeah right...)
    the worst thing i could possibly have thought of has happened. if you recall this post from a few weeks ago; the girl I was talking about is a good friend of mine who was the creator and moderator of the blog linked there.She has handed it over to another girl called Charlotte who is going to do an amazing job. Unfortunately Chelle, the creator had to give it up because *braces self* she was suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and been fighting it for some years. On the morning of March 24; her 24th birthday Michelle lost her fight due to an infection contracted the previous day. She passed away peacefully in her sleep with her parents with her. I am so upset; distressed is an understatement. This girl is one of the strongest and most inspirational people I have ever had the privelige of knowing; I just wish I had got to know her sooner. I can't stop thinking about all the things she could have done - the guy she was in love with who will never know she loved him. So yeah, I needed some time to calm down and I have done that. I'll be posting again now but probably less frequently for a while. And I won't stop promoting this  until my fingers drop off.