Wednesday, February 8, 2012


i recently discovered the lovely breanne duren. she is insanely talented for a 24 year old, not to mention absolutely adorable! literally the cutest thing i have come across in a long long time

after downloading her EP "Sparks" i sat (as i tend to do) with my eyes shut and the door closed just listening, and i couldn't help but press repeat several times
from start to finish Duren's writing is sugar-sweet and catchy as hell! her lyrics could easily be overshadowed by the insanely addictive hooks and melodies but they really are worth a closer listen; honest and straightforward without sacrificing that sugar-coated pop element that i keep talking about.
the video below is the official clip for first single "Goldmine", and the stand out track on the EP for me. 60s influenced and boppy, the track is catchy from the first listen with a strong bassline that keeps coming back and leaves me wanting more everytime!

check her out here and here

i can't wait for her to release a full length album soon!